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All the C programs you write for this class should follow the well established good C coding conventions. If you turn in code that deviates from these conventions, you may not earn full credit for your solutions.

Your work MUST be handed in as git submissions to your repository for this class. Be sure to observe the name of the repository and to grant developer access to the instructors and all the class TAs. As a matter of practice, you are expected to:

  • Add your solutions (to lab or pre-lab) periodically to your own git repository. This will ensure that it will be possible to restore your correct work, if you happen to inadvertently break a solution that was working fine.
  • Be sure to add, commit, and push all the files that are necessary to build any given assignment. Don’t expect the assignment to enumerate all the names of the files you should submit. Rule of thumb: if you worked on something, add it to your git repo.
  • If you ever get your git repo in a corrupted state, it is your responsibility to fix it or to ask for help to fix it. We understand that git can be finicky and that bad things may happen, but we trust you to work on ensuring that your repository is good shape by the due dates of your assignments. If you ran into git trouble, don’t wait until the last minute to seek help.

Pre-labs and Labs are due on the dates listed, at 8:00am. Note that the schedule is tentative and the topics may change. Finally, note that the link to the lab does not open until the day of the lab.

101/21/2025Introduction to CSCI 306 Lab with labtoolnoneLab 1
201/28/2025The C Build Process and Introductory CPrelab 2Lab 2
302/04/2025C Library FunctionsPrelab 3Lab 3
402/11/2025Linked Lists and Stacks
502/18/2025Inspecting Floating Point Numbers in C
602/25/2025GDB and Cycles in Lists
703/04/2025System Calls in C
803/11/2025Spring Recess
903/18/2025Introduction to RARS and RISC-V Programming
1003/25/2025Arrays and Structures in Assembly and C
1104/01/2025Buffer Overflow and Stack Smashing
1204/08/2025Cache Performance I
1304/15/2025Cache Performance II
1404/22/2025PThreads and Selection Sort